The information contained on this site is provided free of charge, and as a courtesy to all visitors to the site. It is not intended to be relied on in any manner, including said information being current or accurate, or used as a substitute for actual legal counsel in regard to any of the matters discussed. Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information, the laws change constantly in this area, and all operators and providers of this site, including the author, Attorney Steven F. Groce, specifically disclaim any liability or warranty for the accuracy, or currency of the information contained. Users of this site agree by using this site, they release and hold harmless Steven Groce, Attorney, from all claims of any kind. Users of this site do so with the understanding that said use does not constitute or create an attorney client relationship. No Attorney Client relationship is created by the use of this site, a phone conversation, or email (which is not a secure form of communication), or by any other manner, until an actual Attorney Client agreement has been entered into, AND said Attorney has actually been financially hired and retained. The best advice, if you find yourself confronted with any of these issues, is to contact and retain the services and counsel of an Attorney who practices in this area, such as the author, where you can discuss the specific facts and circumstances of your case as soon as possible.