In a recent article from REASON.COM, by Jacob Sullum, published on Jan. 30, 2024, entitled:
“New Pain Medication Could Reinforce Crackdown on Prescription Opioids,” Journalist, Jacob Sullum, for, makes some very important points.
First, time after time, real studies have shown that only about 1% of patients have any actual risk of addiction. One percent. That is it!
Second, the Crackdown, has only served to put fear into Doctors and Pharmacists to needlessly not prescribe these proven drugs for pain relief, even to people who truly are in the most need of them.
Third, the Government, through the Crackdown, is responsible for patients in need to not only suffer, but to then to also seek relief on the Black market, which sometimes kills them because the drugs they buy contain unknown other substances, including Fentanyl, coming from China.
Fourth: Doctors, especially, have been put in fear of prescribing what they know a particular patient needs, because of the Government, and unfortunately, the Personal Injury Attorneys that were so eager to jump on the bandwagon to sue the pharmaceutical companies for Billions of dollars, and the false public narrative used to win cases, and get huge judgments, have only made that Narrative, what the public hears, even worse.
It seems to me that this is just another example of how Government Prohibition, is always wrong, and a complete failure.
Prohibition, was proven totally wrong when there was a Constitutional amendment Prohibiting Alcohol, which then took another Constitutional amendment to end Prohibition, when it was finally realized by everyone, including the Government, to be a complete failure.
The same thing (minus the Constitutional amendment) then still occurred, shortly thereafter, with Marijuana, all for Political motivations, and we are still dealing with Federal Law that has not changed, despite everything that has happened in the States.
The same arguments could be made for Cocaine. Another substance, refined from a naturally occurring plant. Doctors use it. Therefore it is made pharmaceutical pure, from the Coca Leaves of the Coca Plant, without any unknown contaminants. So, why not make it available for prescription, and prevent people from dying because of other substances like Fentanyl, being added to the mix.
Big tech, this time, Google, which owns and controls YouTube, is completely violating the 1st Amendment rights of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., because he is an actual Democratic candidate for the Presidential Democratic nomination. This should make every American wake up, and see the real corruption and threat to Freedom that is taking place, by the current regime in power, even against a Democrat, because he is a threat to the totally corrupt Biden family, and very clearly controls what is now a corrupt FBI, CIA, etc. As citizens of our great Country, preparing to celebrate the 4th of July, let’s remind ourselves and remember 1776, July 4th Independence Day, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; because if we don’t Stand Up, and Speak Out, we will lose these rights, and it is already happening right before our eyes, and on our watch. Every citizen of the United States, needs to do their part, and Speak Out. Steven Groce, Attorney
YouTube has censored Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. yet again, this time by removing his recent interview with former New York Post reporter Al Guart.
DWI, DUI CASES, Drug Intoxication, under influence of Cannabis/Marijuana: “Neither the detection of THC nor its metabolites in subjects’ blood, breath, or oral fluid is correlated with psychomotor performance,…” see entire article. Link to the full article, below.
Consumption of Marijuana can absolutely impair your ability to safely drive; but the fact that you might test positive for THC does not prove impairment. Some States actually have per se limits, and some others, complete Zero tolerance, meaning any positive detection is a criminal violation, even though the positive drug test could have been from use days prior. Steven Groce, Attorney
“Currently, five states – Illinois, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington – impose various per se limits for the detection of specific amounts of THC in blood while ten states (Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wisconsin) impose zero tolerant per se standards. In these states, it is a criminal violation of the traffic safety laws to operate a motor vehicle with detectable levels of THC in blood – even absent any demonstrable evidence of psychomotor impairment.”
Missouri, is fortunately NOT one of the above states, either for a per se limit, or zero tolerance. Missouri, is an Impairment State, meaning that impairment must still be demonstrated, even if one tests positive for THC. This is both an important and serious consideration when dealing with any Driving While Intoxicated, or Driving Under The Influence of Drugs, such as Cannabis, Marijuana. Currently handling DWI and DUI cases for both Alcohol and Drug Intoxication, which also includes Marijuana, in Missouri.
The trend for legalizing Psychedelics, has been growing for the last couple of years. It would actually be great if true Legalization really occurred. However, True Legalization, should mean just that. Not decriminalized, which did NOT make anything legal. When MO., “decriminalized” 10G or less, on a 1st offense possession case, despite many Posts, by myself, warning people to the reality that it was still a Criminal offense, ended up pleading guilty to a Possession charge, because they thought it was decriminalized, and any reasonable person hearing that term would also make the reasonable assumption that if it has been decriminalized, then it can’t result in a criminal drug conviction. The truth, however, was that it only changed the Charge of 10G or less to a Class D Misdemeanor, rather than an A Misdemeanor. You couldn’t be sentenced to jail; but only a fine. However, if one payed the fine, what they did not realize, was that they just took a Criminal Drug conviction on their record. ALWAYS BE SKEPTICAL OF THE WORD DECRIMINALIZATION. It generally will never mean what you probably assume.
So what else would Legalization mean? First, and most important, it should truly mean legalization, not the way Cannabis reform has evolved, being regulated to an extreme, where everything is all about the Money that Corporate Cannabis, and the Government, could make off of the Public, because they would be the only ones that could grow it or sell it, and of course, the Government, just wants to Tax it to an extreme, and then call anything else the Black Market. THE BLACK MARKET, WAS NEVER BLACK. The Government, and now Corporate Cannabis , only call it Black, because they want all the Profits, and as for the Government, the only issue is that the King, Uncle Sam, or your State Government, is not getting their Cut! As I have posted for years, The Black Market, is in reality, only the Free Market.
So, what we are seeing in many cases, is only a very controlled Decriminalization, which is exactly what the various Pharmaceutical companies would like to have licenses for, so they can offer Psilocybin treatments in a controlled environment, and bill in the neighborhood of $5000.00 per treatment, presumably to insurance. Who wants to do their Mushroom trip in some Doctor’s office, supervised, at $5,000.00 or more for what is being called a Treatment? This is what the pharmaceutical companies are trying to get approved. It is all about Money. Just keep all of this in mind when you consider just how far we have come. Also, when you reach out to your Representatives, regarding what you really want to see happen.
As for Cannabis, we did not need regulated Cultivation facilities, or Dispensaries.
The People, that grow everything else, can easily grow Cannabis. Any local Farmer’s market would have been just as good, and Cannabis would still be around $15.00 an Ounce, or $25.00 for a 1/4 Pound, as it was in the 70s and 80s.
Moving on to Psychedelics, California, is once again a little late to the party, regarding being at the forefront of change. Colorado has once again beat CA., in true change; and may be on a path (with exceptions) to something that will change the World.
It should also be pointed out that it will put the Cannabis Industry in the true Light of what is presented as change, actually being all about the Money and Greed that it is.
The exceptions, include the word “Decriminalized,” which has already been explained above.
So, what did Colorado do, and what is CA., now also trying to do?
The following paragraph is from Reason Dot Com.
“Colorado voters last month approved a groundbreaking ballot initiative that decriminalized five psychedelics derived from fungi or plants: psilocybin, psilocyn (another psychoactive component of “magic mushrooms”), dimethyltryptamine (DMT, the active ingredient in ayahuasca), ibogaine (a psychedelic derived from the root bark of the iboga tree), and mescaline (the active ingredient in peyote). This month a California legislator introduced a bill, S.B. 58, that emulates Colorado’s new policy, aiming to legalize the possession, preparation, noncommercial transfer, and transportation of those five drugs by adults 21 or older.”
We will have to see how all of this plays out in CO., and also in CA.
However, in all fairness, if the CA. Bill passed, as what has been explained passed in CO., the Bill, would represent more incredible reform, than virtually anything that has happened with Marijuana.
The severity of the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic, has promted Cities, Counties, and even the State of Missouri to issue STAY AT HOME orders. Some had limited durations, which have already been extended, and even the terms of the Orders, in many instances, have also been amended.
STAY AT HOME CITATIONS, for violation of the Orders, are being issued in certain circumstances. Law enforcement agencies have stated that they are not going out of their way to issue anyone a Citation; but in some circumstances, a citation will be warranted, and locally the range of punishment if convicted was most recently stated to be up to 6 Months in Jail, and up to $1000.00 in Fines.
One thing that is important to note, is that Jail time is highly unlikely, as the Jails are already full! What is more likely, is a fine, which could be up to $1000.00 dollars. It is also important for anyone charged with violating a STAY AT HOME ORDER, to understand, is that even if the fine could be reduced to a lesser amount, that entering a Guilty Plea, would result in a Criminal Conviction on one’s record, and that is something definitely to be avoided whenever possible.
NOTE: If you, or someone else, is charged, (Receives a Citation or Summons) for violating a STAY AT HOME ORDER, seeking Legal counsel to try to avoid having a Criminal Conviction for this Offense is highly advised.
The LAW OFFICE of STEVENGROCE, ATTORNEY, is available and willing to assist in defending these cases. Legal fees would be determined on the Jurisdiction of the Violation, and whether the Case could be resolved through some type of negotiated disposition or trial.
NOTE: Not all Stay At Home Orders throughout Missouri, are alike. In addition, as noted, some have already been amended in one way or another. The resources are not possible on this site, to update every Order in MO., that gets amended. Therefore, the user, or reader on this site, assumes all responsibility for making sure that they understand the current Orders that may be in effect where they live, by doing their own research, as the law(s) may change daily. Also, in some Jurisdictions, individuals may be subject to both the State Order, the local County Order, and in some Jurisdictions, also the order of the City.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MEDICAL MARIJUANA” according to current U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams. Response by: NORML Atty. Steven Groce:
I think it could also be argued that ALL Use of Marijuana, is Medical, because isn’t it true that any use of Marijuana, is based on a perceived need, whatever that may be? If one uses Marijuana to relieve Stress, or deal with Pain, or to simply Chill Out, those are all perceived needs that one could also take a variety of other prescription medications to deal with, rather than Marijuana. Let’s remember, there is a prescription drug for everything, Opiates, Anti-Depressants, Anti-Anxiety drugs, etc., etc. Therefore, ANY perceived need, for using Marijuana, can be argued to be Medical.
First, understand that ALL Marijuana, grown and sold, in Colorado, is “Black Market” Pot! Why? Because everything Grown or Sold, whether in a State licensed business, or not, is “Black Market” under Federal Law.
What is the difference in the Homes raided, and the the quasi (State legal, but Federally illegal) Pot? Only one. The King, meaning the Government, is just mad because the King, is not getting a cut.
What makes it even more hypocritical, is that the raids were carried out by both Federal and State Law enforcement. Some of the individuals are being charged under CO. State law, and some under Federal Law. Both Federal and CO. State Law enforcement acted together, yet the Feds are ignoring the Schedule 1 Controlled substance, and Prohibition, of ALL Marijuana, regarding who grows or sells it. YES, IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY!
The original efforts of NORML were to simply end Prohibition, and return Marijuana to it’s Pre 1937 Status, when it was as Legal as a Tomato plant, regardless of who grows it. This is what many of us who worked and advocated for Legalization strived for, even before CO., had Medical Marijuana. Somewhere along the way, however, as with many things, Big Money and Greed entered the picture.
In the meantime, all of these people are facing very severe State and Federal charges, for growing a Plant!
Federal Forfeiture Laws are also being used to seize their Money, their Cars and even their Homes, and give it to the Government. Imagine what our Founding Fathers would think. This is not Freedom! Yes, it is all about greed and money.
We need to remember our original goals. End Prohibition, and Total Legalization!
LEGAL DEFENSE! One would think: After the passing of Amendment 2, the attitudes of Prosecutors in Missouri, would be changing. Unfortunately, Not the case! Both MO. residents, and unlucky visitors, are still being charged, and even arrested, for Cannabis offenses. Even 10 grams or less is still a D Misdemeanor Criminal Drug conviction. Don’t pay the fine, and Don’t take the Conviction. Steven F. Groce, NORML LIFE MEMBER ATTORNEY, Defending Cannabis cases in Missouri.
Steven Groce, Attorney, (Law Office Web Site)
Defending Cannabis/Marijuana Cases
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